Studio Specs+

Vocal Characteristics

Pitch: Medium-High

Character types: Heroine, Villainess, Delinquent, Slap Stick, Anti-Love Interest, Loli, and Warrior

Ages: Child, Teen, and Young Adult

Professional Home Studio with Broadcast Quality

Microphone: Stellar X2 Vintage Large Capsule Condenser 

Interface: Audient iD4

DAW: Reaper

Sample Rate: 48k

Studio Sound!

With and Without Me!

Professional studio being constructed. Updates coming in as pictures and new audio.

Old Studio: This is an inside look into Savvi's Home Studio. Soundproofing does not end at the shield around her microphone.  The soundproof blankets are doubled on all sides. Savvi uses her phone often in voice work, so she set up a stand for her phone.

Savvi Lee - VA info
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