Let me work for you!

    Marketing Credentials and Social Media Marketing Assistance 


About Me

Savvi Lee studied at Gordon Ford College of Business and graduated with a Bachelors degree of Business, majoring in Strategic Marketing. 

My day job is filled, but I am available on the weekends and after hours for indie gamers and other entertainers in need of a marketing makeover! 

 I will give you data on all the latest trends that are important to YOUR audience and/or future audience. 

Social Media Marketing and YOU

Twitter may be the largest and most active social media platform for indie game developers

-Indie Game Planet

78% Of Salespeople Using Social Media Outsell Their Peers  



We can brain storm together or I can report back major changes

Let me know what you need! 

Options to:

  • take over your current campaign
  • create an entirely new marketing campaign
  • simply give you pointers
  • potential showcase of your content

 Currently assisting the following indie games in various ways: Siren's Call, Samuda Interval, and few others under an NDA.  

Send me a message to tell me what you need!

Savvi Lee - VA info
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