Email me for collaboration or commission


Current Work Flow

She frequently dubs comics and searches for original characters to give what many fans call an exotic spice or mania to a character. She has many projects she is recording for, including animated shorts

Exclusive animations only available on Chaotic Helleaven's Patreon 

She also has an original series on Webtoon based loosely around her life.

 If you listen to her work and wish to pursue her then please feel free to contact her at

Projects and Channels


  Over 70+ Fan Dubs

Bread-N-Butter -2021

Diceskiyo - 2021-2022

Savvi Lee created a playlist for each content creator  

Original Roles

Lie of Caelum

Misha Lockes - Red Panda Girl

Status: Voice clip added to the website

Chaotic Helleaven

Rin - Mistress of Social Media.

Status: Mad because her VA is more popular

Savvi Rin Lee - Gal-normous  

Status: Outfit acquired and Webtoon created!


Doomsday Paradise

Tiger Minion

Status: Game launches 2023!

Monster Maiden Mania

Eri - The Lamia

Several roles to be added soon!

If you enjoy what Savvi does you can show your support by donating as additional support!

Thank you in advance!


She is a amazing Voice Actress! She finally was able to cast our one problem character the

"Mistress of Social media"

Rin Hellfire!

She is able to match any emotion you give her to perfection.

She has a huge range of emotion and feeling to really make the character come alive.

We have many voice Actresses on the project and she by far is one of the most friendly, easy to work with and has the ability to reach into your mind and get what you mean when you write her lines.

That in itself is amazing.

She also cares about her role and if you ask for her input she will happily give it!

Never be scared to book her for a role! I promise you she won't disappoint!


Chaotic Helleaven 

SavviLee puts so much soul into the characters she voices; she's able to hone in on the emotional core/temperament of them with astounding precision.

Every reading radiates an unrivaled energy and competence, but what I personally enjoy most though is this: Savvi's voicework makes the flavor of whatever you're listening to deeper than it once was, like an exotic spice peppering your favorite dish. 

Scenes that were once normally comedic are now hilarious and memorable with her at the helm. 

Dramatic scenes become terrifying and once static characters become multifaceted. It's the little things really: the inflections and pauses that you wouldn't normally think about as a reader, but always make sense in context. 

Anybody would be lucky to have her working on their project; she is truly one of a kind.

Jacob Cumiskey

ThePenSword (Dev of Siren's Call)

I have worked with SavviLee on numerous projects for my Youtube channel and I could not be happier! She always messages promptly and professionally and sends in her lines within hours of the request. Follows details diligently, but can provide good improvisation if asked to. Very youthful and fun-sounding voice. So if you need a female voice actress, she'd be perfect!


Savvi Lee - VA info
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